A monthly printed magazine is published covering Spetisbury, Charlton Marshall and Blandford St. Mary. Although not available online, it can be delivered for 50p per month.
The front page of the magazine contains details of events taking place over the following month, and is reproduced in the following pages.
- DEC-MARCH Mrs Ann Taylor, 26 High St, Spetisbury – 857336
- APRIL-JULY Mrs Janet Isaac Eagles, Louse Lane, Spetisbury – 857759
- AUG-NOV Mrs Jean Vesey, 8 Meadow Road, Charlton – 452457
Email: threevillagesnews@hotmail.co.uk
Copy by 14th of month for the next issue
Except: deadline for January is December 10
Please contact Mrs Janet Isaac 01258 857759 if you wish to order a copy